All the news from Ax Tennis, its Ambassadors, and the Axe Tennis Team.

The benefits of lifelong learning in tennis

In tennis, between competition and constant evolution, continuous learning is an essential factor for success, for players, coaches and parents…

The Essential Link between Work and Pleasure in Tennis

In the world of tennis, the question of the link between hard work (training) and the pleasure of playing is fundamental. It's often said that you…

Mental Preparation: A Central Issue in Modern Tennis

Tennis is a sport that demands as much of the body as it does of the mind. While physical preparation is now an essential component of a player's…

The Modern Forehand: Evolution, Technique and Issues

The evolution of tennis: an ever-faster game

Tennis today is a sport in constant evolution. Professional players are putting on increasingly…

MY AX TENNIS is proud to have SMASH ACADEMY among its partners

The Smash Academy: An ideal playground for tennis enthusiasts

A sports school for all levels

The Smash Academy, established in Belgium since 1998,…

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